Stephen Webster's sterling silver Last Straw Photo courtesy
Whenever I spend time in California, I am reminded of all the little ways I can cut down on the use of plastics that go above and beyond simple recycling. Everyone in Los Angeles, brings their own cloth bags to stores. It’s a habit people got into when a small charge was added to the price of using a store’s bag. At my favorite spot for an almond milk iced cappuccino, the Tower Bar at the Sunset Tower Hotel, they present the drink with stainless steel straw. The hot spot stopped using plastic straws years ago in an effort to do their part to try and cut down on the 500 million plastic straws used in America every single day.
When English jewelry designer Stephen Webster became aware of the fact that straws were among the top 10 items found in beach clean-ups not to mention the fact that the material takes 200 years to break down, he realized he could do something special that would make people aware of the issue and perhaps inspire them to give up plastic straws.
Stephen Webster’s sterling silver Last Straw Photo courtesy
Stephen designed a sterling silver straw. Each handcrafted $175 straw will be numbered and hand engraved with the owner’s name and the words “Last Straw.” The eco-friendly objects can be ordered at Stephen Webster retail locations or on Ten percent of the proceeds of each sale will be donated to Plastic Oceans Foundation.
“This initiative is our brand taking a stand for social responsibility,” explains Stephen. “I personally love all things aquatic and as a consequence, over the years have taken part in several ocean and water initiatives. It’s important that no matter how small we play part in preserving our oceans.”
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