Deborah Pagani with her kids, Judy Geib's drawing, Ana Khori's ring on a model, Jame de Givenchy's drawing. Photo via Instagram
March 27, 2020—As everyone settles in for who knows how long a stretch of staying at home, many jewelry designers lit up our feeds with the ways they were handling this new normal. We were inspired by their creativity, delighted by humorous highlights, grateful for the ideas for entertainment and moved by their generosity to help various causes.
Photo via Instagram @taffinjewelry
Many jewelry designers shared pictures of their drawings and pictures of them drawing. Taffin designer James de Givenchy captioned the photo above of the divine rainbow ring simply “Day 4.”
Photo via Instagram @judygeib
Judy Geib wrote the following caption for her drawing above:
Being in the center of an invisible storm in NYC it is sort of hard to continue business as usual, but there are always unfinished projects to tackle. For awhile I’ve had a beautiful bunch of hand-forged spoons waiting for something to finish them off at the top. Nature can be a salve at times like this—so cruel and also exhilaratingly amazing. I once heard the most ethereal birdsong, so long and varied and clear, it seemed impossible. I have tried to figure out what bird sang such a song, but then I thought (after failing), maybe better not to know what it was or what it looked like, and imagine what it might have looked like, and use those imaginings for the tops of the spoons (made out of scraps, or course). Beaks, wings, tufts, ruffles, feathers, legs, claws, eyes. The drawings are not to be followed, but just to note the idea—a soothing project to work on.
Photo via Instagram @sharon_khazzam
Sharon Khazzam is asking her Instagram followers to decide what she should design next in Instagram Stories. Then she gets to work and creates the piece. Her first jewel was inspired by the idea of home.
Photo via Instagram @stephendweck
Stephen Dweck is another veteran designer that shared how he went back to the drawing board the week.
Photo via Instagram Stories @jennablakejewelry
Los Angeles based designer Jenna Blake shared in Stories how she enjoyed the day outdoors beading. She shared in another story that she had joined the dance party of @dnice that hundreds of thousands on Instagram, including former First Lady Michelle Obama, have been tuning in to watch and listen to nightly.
Photo via Instagram @deborahpagani
Mother of three, Deborah Pagani began the week sharing bead necklaces she made with her children. She ended it with the hilarious photo above and the sentiment in her caption that was shared by so many parents taking care of young children at home, “Hey, virtual learning 📞You there? You can go F yourself #teacherwithnotraining #stayhomestyle #helpme #sos 🆘 #CallingAllMoms this is a safe non judgy place where you can #Vent”
Photo via Instagram Stories @jemmawynne
Jemma Wynne designers Jenny Klatt and Stephanie Wynne Lalin have long been one of my favorite Instagram accounts for jewelry. Now they are sharing a lot of content about what it means to be running a small business during this period with conference and Zoom calls, cozy WFH outfits, some comedic moments about being a parent with children at home. Stephanie wrote the above post on Stories which so beautifully expresses what I am sure many are feeling.
Photo via Instagram @jennifermeyerjewelry
Many designers announced how they were helping various charities. Jennifer Meyer posted the above image on her Instagram with the following caption,
During these uncertain times, my team and I want to make sure we do everything possible to help those impacted by Covid-19. For the past 3 years I have sat on the board of @baby2baby and have seen first hand how this organization jumps to action in a crisis. Right now, children are in dire need of basic necessities. Parents are out of work, not making a penny, can’t afford to buy items like formula, food or diapers for their children. I’ve heard directly from parents going to the store with their last $5 to buy formula and none is even available. Please donate whatever you can to help these families who need it the most ❤️ Stay safe and let’s help each other every which way we can!
All my love, Jen ❤️
Photo courtesy of Ana Khouri
Ana Khouri created a special rendition of her Mirian ring to be sold for Doctors Without Borders on Tuesday. It sold by Thursday. The designer wrote the following caption explaining her inspiration:
I’m so in awe of the fashion community stepping in to help produce masks, hand sanitizer and gowns (among many other initiatives) to help healthcare workers all over the world. I felt the urge and duty to help, even if in a humble way. I’ve created a one-of-a-kind, blue sapphire Mirian ring especially to raise funds. I’m donating 100% of the proceeds to @DoctorsWithoutBorders to ensure that healthcare workers have the critical supplies they need. I chose blue sapphires for this piece as blue in many cultures is associated with hope, peace and protection. With the world uniting, we can overcome this together, if we choose love over fear. Simply follow the link in this post to purchase and make this contribution possible. We are all in this together, and need to lean on each other more than ever before. Thank you all from the bottom of my heart. The ring has been sold @DoctorsWithoutBorders will receive 100% of the proceeds.
Love, Ana.
Photo via Instagram @pamelalove
A couple of days ago Pamela Love posted the above photo with precious N95 masks. She explained in the following caption how she was donating them to the Elmhurst Hospital in Queens, an epicenter of the coronavirus outbreak in New York.
Hi guys this post is for everyone but particularly the community of jewelers, crafts people and makers here in nyc- like PL studios most of you use some sort of n95 mask or face respirator in the studio- last year we moved offices and put boxes of unused masks into storage. I’ve been trying to locate them with very little success. Here’s what i found so far- I’m going to be donating them to elmhurst hospital in queens- the medical staff there is seriously running low on protection for themselves. So- even if you have only a few masks, please message me or reach out to @michelletillou she’s is making this very easy- someone will come pick them up from you – if you are in the greenpoint, Williamsburg or buswick area let me know and i can come get them. I’m trying to consolidate as much as possible so they don’t have to run all over the place. Even if you have some that have been touched they can be wiped down with alcohol and used. Ok. That’s all i have for now.
Love Pam.
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