Antique diamond earrings from Jogani Beverly Hills who has a booth at the Antique Show. Photo Jogani Beverly Hills
The Metropolitan Pavilion may not be the most glamorous space in Manhattan, but this weekend it will glitter like Aladdin’s cave. It is the location of the 2017 New York Antique Jewelry and Watch Show.
The great news about the show that includes around 100 dealers from all over the country is, it’s open to the public. For a mere $20 entrance fee, you can shop it the same way you might buy clothes around the corner at the Barneys Chelsea location.
Actually, not quite in the same way. You can’t bargain with the sales staff at Barneys, but some dealers will listen to your best offer on a jewel. Others not so much, but it is okay to ask. The antique, vintage and estate jewelry at the show comes in a wide range of prices, from just under a thousand to the stratosphere.
From the March issue of Vogue, Lily Aldridge wearing antique Iberian earrings (circa 1780) from Stephen Russell who has a booth at the Antique Show. Photo @stephenrusselljewelry/Instagram
While the show is manageable in its size, the variety of goods can be dizzying. I, for one, like to attend with a strategy of what I want to buy or at very least put on a wish list. There are two things in my mind right now. The first is hinged cuffs. I picked one up at the Antique Show in Las Vegas. Now, I would like a matching pair en hommage to Wonder Woman.
The other thing I am on a hunt for is antique earrings. I have been becoming more obsessed with this new-old trend with each passing month after seeing designers launch fresh styles and stars wear great vintage renditions.
A still from a video on FD Gallery’s Instagram of extraordinary diamond girandole earrings. The Upper East Side boutique will be presenting at the Antique Show. Photo @fd_gallery/Instagram
Unlike contemporary jewelry designers at a trade show such as Couture who preview collections and have glorious photos of their work, searching for vintage is more of a treasure hunt. These dealers are dealing in one offs, so you don’t know what you are going to find. If they sell it, it’s gone forever.
In an attempt to be organized in my search, I do have my target list of potential sources. The photos here are the highlights from Instagram of dealers I plan to visit at the show.
The 2017 New York Antique Jewelry and Watch Show is located at the Metropolitan Pavilion, 125 W. 18th Street in New York City from July 21-24. For the hours of the show go to
Victorian diamond earrings from dealer Jogani Beverly Hills who has a booth at the Antique Show. Photo @joganibh/Instagram
Antique Girandole amethyst and topaz earrings from Simon Teakle who has a booth at the Antique Show. Photo @simonteakle/Instagram
Vintage cameos in earrings designed by Marcella Ciceri shown by dealer Camilla Dietz Bergeron Ltd. who has a booth at the Antique Show. Photo @cdbltd/Instagram
The perfect summer statement earrings from dealer Pat Saling who has a booth at the Antique Show. Photo @patsaling/Instagram
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